About Feldmeier

Feldmeier Equipment was founded in 1952 when Robert H. Feldmeier, driven to improve the way the world processes fluids, developed the world’s first Triple Tube™ Heat Exchanger. From this revolutionary advancement grew a family’s inspiration to expand ingenuity and forward thinking to a variety of industries.

Feldmeier Equipment has since become a respected supplier to some of the most elite companies worldwide in their respective trades. From pharmaceutical, biotech, and cosmetic clients to brewers and food, dairy, and beverage processing facilities, the Feldmeier name has become synonymous with quality, dependable stainless steel tanks, pressure vessels, and processing equipment.

As we have grown from a single facility in Syracuse, New York, to six manufacturing facilities in three states with global reach, there continues to be a constant theme that keeps us true to our original principles.

From the advent of the Triple Tube Heat Exchanger to the Spray-Up silo cleaning system, and most recently, Feldmeier’s entire Pharma Mixer agitation line, innovation has been, and will continue to be, a family tradition. The Feldmeier family and name remain the backbone of the company today, now three generations strong.

Robert Felmeier About

Harvey Feldmeier (1871—1935) Serving as Chief Engineer for Cherry-Burrell Corporation in Little Falls NY, Harvey Feldmeier (1871-1935) earns the respect of his fellow colleagues and neighbors both professionally and privately. The holder of an amazing 56 patents, Harvey Feldmeier’s ingenuity and forward thinking continues to inspire the employees of Feldmeier Equipment today.

Robert H. Feldmeier Founds Sanitary Processing Equipment Inc With a well-engineered, innovative design and an aspiration to change the heat exchanger market, Robert Feldmeier begins his company as Sanitary Processing Equipment Inc. The company will grow to become the nation’s largest manufacturer of stainless tanks and a global supplier to a wide variety of industries as we evolve into the Feldmeier Equipment of today.

Sanitary Processing Equipment Tubular Heat Exchangers Robert H. Feldmeier’s advancements in tubular heat exchanger design built the foundation of Sanitary Processing Equipment Inc. Here, an early heat exchanger is displayed, and being admired by Mr. Feldmeier’s children Robert Jr. and Lisa.

Syracuse, NY Facility at Butternut Street As a growing company, it is from our Butternut Street production facility that Robert H. Feldmeier’s company will transform the sanitary process equipment market.

Robert H. Feldmeier Patents the Spray-Up Cleaning Device Looking for a way to improve the tank sanitation process while simplifying the actual equipment required, Robert H. Feldmeier developed and patented the “Spray Up” in-place cleaning device for vertical tanks. The revolutionary cleaning process eliminates the need for external cleaning solution supply lines, vent lines, and overflow lines to the top of the tank. Moreover, also removing the need for ladders, catwalks, and the general need for top head access. The “Feldmeier Advantage” is born, and is still being supplied for use in new Feldmeier Equipment dairy silos today.

Syracuse, NY Facility Moves to Lodi Street Location With the solid success and rapidly expanding loyal client base, our Butternut Street location can no longer offer us the physical room to grow into the company that we know we will become. With space to build more variety and more efficient handling of the equipment during the fabrication process, the Lodi Street location is the pivot point that solidifies our role in the sanitary processing equipment market.

Sanitary Processing Equipment Inc Becomes Feldmeier Equipment As we enter a new era and continue to expand to service a variety of applications, Robert Feldmeier’s Sanitary Processing Equipment Inc officially becomes Feldmeier Equipment.

Syracuse, NY Facility Moves into Townline Road Location Feldmeier Equipment’s Townline facility opens and serves as the new corporate headquarters and fabrication facility in Syracuse, NY. Originally acquired for its convenient location and floorspace to expand immediate production with room for future growth, this facility has served us well, and will continue to do so following our 2012 building expansion!

Montgomery, AL Facility is Completed Increasing Feldmeier Equipment’s east-coast coverage, our Alabama facility is our second concurrent production facility. Now with production in the northeast and southeast, we are now able to offer clients more effective fabrication and shipping options.

Little Falls, NY Facility; Acquisition of Cherry-Burrell Tank Operations Cherry-Burrell’s tank production operations in Central New York, has officially become part of the Feldmeier Equipment family as our third facility. The proud history of the Little Falls NY factory’s legacy, and its home as the birthplace of D.H. Burrell’s dairy equipment company, will expand the production capabilities of the company to serve our clients more effectively.

Shell Rock, IA Facility Begins Operations Feldmeier Equipment officially commences work in our fifth production facility, located in the heart of the continental United States. Our mid-west facility is positioned for fast, efficient service to the central states.

Robert H. Feldmeier Inducted into the MACNY Wall of Fame Feldmeier Equipment founder, Robert H. Feldmeier, has been honored by the Manufacturers Association of Central New York with an induction into this year’s wall of fame, recognizing his professional and civic contributions to his Central New York home.

Syracuse, NY Facility Expansion of Manufacturing Space A wall-to-wall renovation of our floorspace and general process flow has allowed us to more effectively fabricate our products, to the point that we needed to expand! Our expansion builds on the flow we have already put in place and gives us more production space for additional client projects.

Little Falls, NY Riverside Facility Groundbreaking As we break ground on our newest production facility, we eagerly look forward to our future and the services we can offer! Nested on the banks of the historic Erie Canal in Little Falls, NY, our newest facility will be equipped to produce some of our largest factory-built products yet.

Little Falls, NY Riverside Facility Goes Live! Our newest production facility has officially gone online as of February 2014! With this our sixth facility overall, and the second facility in Little Falls, NY, we are poised to further expand our medium-to-large tank fabrication capabilities and unparalleled flexibility in production.

Ground Breaking at New Syracuse, NY Facility In 2017, Feldmeier Equipment broke ground on a new 133,000-square-foot, high-tech manufacturing facility and corporate headquarters in DeWitt, NY.

Feldmeier moves into new manufacturing facility and headquarters Feldmeier Equipment moved into its new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and corporate headquarters on June 17th, 2018. The new facility has 100,000 square feet of manufacturing space, 33,000 square feet of office space, and room for a 40,000-square-foot expansion. Shortly after moving in, the road was changed from Brooklawn Parkway to Robert Feldmeier Parkway in honor of Mr. Robert H. Feldmeier.

R. H. Feldmeier Day The Town of Dewitt dedicates September 24th, 2018 as R. H. Feldmeier Day in honor of Mr. Robert H. Feldmeier who was born on this very day. He was a proud member of the US Marine Corps and served as 2nd Lt. in WWII. Driven to improve the way the world processes fluid, Mr. Feldmeier invented the world’s first Triple Tube Heat Exchanger and in 1952 founded Sanitary Processing Equipment which is now Feldmeier Equipment, Inc.

Feldmeier starts renovation on Townline Facility (Syracuse, NY) In early 2019, Feldmeier Equipment started renovation on their former Syracuse Townline location. This renovation will allow Feldmeier to launch its new Components Division.

Little Falls, NY Riverside Expansion In 2022, Feldmeier opened the expansion of its state-of-the-art facility in Little Falls, NY, within the Riverside Industrial Park district. This expansion gave Feldmeier the opportunity to expand its manufacturing and production for many of its growing industries, such as dairy, food processing, and more. Producing silos up to 100,000 gallons in size.

Syracuse, NY Headquarters Expansion In 2023, Feldmeier announced the expansion of their 2018 built headquarters. Adding over 100,000 square feet of manufacturing space, storage and room for new state-of-the-art machinery. The expansion is anticipated to be in full operation in 2025 and set an even higher standard of quality, production and engineering possibilities for customers.