When are you available to begin working?* (mm/dd/yyyy)
Can You Work Nights?YesNo
How did you learn that Feldmeier Equipment is hiring?Indeed or other job posting siteSocial MediaWord of MouthFrom the banner outside the facilityOther
Have you ever applied with Feldmeier before?YesNo
Do you hold a high school diploma?YesNo
If Yes, Please State the Name and Location
Do you hold a college degree?YesNo
If Yes, Please State the College, Location, and Degree
Do you hold a trade or professional school diploma?YesNo
If Yes, Please State the School and Degree
Do you have a driver's license?YesNo
If No, What Is Your Means of Transportation to Work?
Are you a military veteran?YesNo
If Yes, Please State the Branch, Duration, Rank, Honorable Mentions
Please list the names, employment details and telephone numbers of two references other than relatives or previous employers.
Please list your work experience for the past 5 years beginning with your most recent job.
If You Prefer to Upload A Resume That Details Your Work History, Do So Here.
May We Contact Your References?YesNo
May We Contact Your Present Employer?YesNo
Did you complete this portion of the application yourself? If not, please indicate the person who completed it in the "other" selection.YesNo
If No, Please List Who Helped Complete This Application.
Please select the skills and abilities that apply to you.Mig WeldingTig WeldingGrinding MetalPolishing MetalAbility to Read BlueprintsSheet Metal FabricationMachine OperationMath Skills
Please Read Carefully In exchange for the consideration of my job application by FELDMEIER EQUIPMENT, INC., (hereinafter called “the “Company”), I agree that Neither the acceptance of this application nor the subsequent entry into any type of employment relationship, either in the position applied for or any other position, and regardless of the contents of employee handbooks, personnel manuals, benefit plans, policy statements, and the like as they may exist from time to time, or other Company practices, shall serve to create an actual or implied contract of employment, or to confer any right to remain an employee of FELDMEIER EQUIPMENT, INC.the Company, or to alter in any respect the employment-at-will relationship between it and the undersigned if any, and that such relationship, if any, cannot be altered. Both the undersigned and FELDMEIER EQUIPMENT, INC.the Company, may end the employment relationship at any time, without specified notice or reason. If employed, I understand that the Company may unilaterally change or revise their benefits, policies and procedures and such changes may include reduction in benefits. By writing my name below, I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand that the misrepresentation or omission of facts called for is cause for dismissal at any time without any previous notice, though such cause is not required. I hereby give the Company permission to contact schools, previous employers (unless otherwise indicated), references and others and hereby release the Company from any liability as a result of such contact.